14 July 2011

The Results are in!

The Results are in

The Results are in for the online polling on how does a society view an automobile. The responses were both predictable and fascinating.

89% of respondents believe there is a crisis with Global Warming, and yet 33.3% currently own a small / mid-size SUV or crossovers which are major contributors in green house gas emissions. These vehicles typically receive lower accolades in terms of emissions testing and provide lower gas mileage averaging 15 to 19 miles per gallon.

77% of respondents own foreign vehicles made outside of the United States and 55% of those vehicles are European Made. This was an interesting result given the state of economics, as we spend our money and send our money overseas to foreign manufacturers, what are the impacts to the local economy?

100.0% of respondents would consider buying an alternative form of transportation (ethanol, electric, air powered, other) if it could get 100mpg or more, run on clean renewable fuel, with a purchase price less than $20k, and a total cost of ownership less than $500 a year. However, are respondents actively researching for these products and are these products readily available?

The primary three (3) attributes  respondents seek in personal mobility are:

1)      Price,
2)      Efficiency (miles per gallon, etc.),
3)      and Style   

The poll indicates that respondents have an attraction towards automobiles, and seek out quality and comfort. However, the responses also indicate that there is a higher awareness of the negative contributions that automobiles have on our fragile planet. But the question remains, where are the products that serve the purposes and values consumers are asking for, yet do not negatively impact our planet?

This is why Mundiali is focusing on "doing things right" and providing everyone with quality products and services that won’t harm our planet or your wallet.

Participate and be active today, lead by example, purchase a Mundiali Bicycle, ask about our upcoming mopeds, and challenge us by sending us email / feedback on what products and or services you would like to see…..

Contact us today, make a choice, do something about your concerns don’t just read about.

14 May 2011

Automobiles – Personal Transportation

Your opinion matters to us!

Mundiali is focused on helping curb global emissions. We are taking a lead role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution by creating targeted and reliable products that give corporations, organizations, and citizens an option to fossil fuels.

Your feedback will help us make available higher quality products and services; let your voice be heard! This questionnaire examines your thoughts on Automobiles – Personal Transportation. This five minute survey consists of only 10 questions and will provide valuable data. Your answers will be completely anonymous and by filling out the survey you will be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift card. All survey results will be published on our website in next month's newsletter.

Any questions marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer in order to progress through the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at info@Mundiali.com.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete the following survey and look forward to the responses.

Thank you,