25 February 2010

How Eco-Friendly is Fuel Cell Technology?

Our lunch conversation over Thai food focused on an article spotted in today's Wall Street Journal: "Start-Up Claims Fuel-Cell Breakthrough," an article by Jim Carlton. Bloom Energy Corp has developed an Energy Server leveraging fuel cell technology, which produces power around the clock.

So...how eco-friendly is fuel cell technology?

We are encouraged to see the passion surrounding fuel cell technology, another option for consumers in terms of eco-friendly power generation - both commercial and residential.

We support further exploration of different uses of fuel, such as Biomass or other alternative, sustainable sources, rather than natural gas which is mentioned in the article. We hope companies focused on fuel cell technology will eventually consider more bio-related sources such as E-Fuel Corporation with its GridBuster ethanol generator.

Don't underestimate the power of the sun. We believe any successful eco-strategy will require the use of multiple, renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, small-scale hydro and Biomass.