21 June 2010

Agudelo Awarded Scholarship

Alex Agudelo, founder and CEO of Mundiali was awarded a scholarship to the Minority Business Executive Program at the University of Washington (MBEP). This week long class was from June 13th to June 18th on the campus at UW Foster School of Business.

"I learned so much this past week; it was an honor to be amongst talented emerging leaders. The class is fantastic, the professors and guest speakers shared a wealth of knowledge, and the best part of the week was the group activities, this class not only provides the necessary tools to enhance your business skills, but it also creates opportunities as you get a chance to network and make valuable connections. I want to thank my sponsor Zones, and encourage business leaders to take advantage of the program”, said Alex Agudelo.

For more information on the Minority Business Executive Program at the University of Washington, please visit: http://www.foster.washington.edu/executive/mbep/Pages/MinorityBusinessExecutiveProgram.aspx